Version 23.2 dormant company error — Support Bulletin 20/09/2023


You may get the following error messages when you open dormant company
An error occurred while validating. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
You may also get the following script error:
Unable to get property "cells" of undefined or null reference.


These errors are caused by an incorrect value being returned to the tax return validation report as the client record opens.


We've found a permanent solution to the underlying issue and we'll include this in the next Digita Corporation Tax release.
In the meantime, you can run a script on the database to override the incorrect value in dormant companies, which will remove the error message. This will resolve the error for existing dormant companies, but if you create a new dormant company, you'll need to run the script again.
Alternatively, if you don't want to run the script, you can close the error message and continue to work on the file.
  1. Download our dormant company script.
  2. Extract the contents on the main computer or server
  3. On the main computer or server double-click the
    Command prompt
    window will show you when the script has been run successfully.
For more guidance on scripts, refer to the Run a script on the Digita Suite products on your network or standalone installation article

Digita Virtual Office

We've run the script on all Corporation Tax databases in DVO to address the issue. If you still experience the error, open a support case.