Add and share annotations

As you read and review
Practical Law
documents, you can add your own notes, comments and highlights. You can also share your annotations with colleagues.
  1. tip
    New Annotation
    to add notes that apply to the whole document and appear after the title of the document, or select any text in the document to highlight it and add margin notes specific to that part of the text.
  2. Open a document in
    Practical Law
    , then select
    New Annotation
  3. Enter your note and select
  4. Select Edit
    to edit or delete the note.
  5. To share your note with others in your organization, select
    , then choose their names from the list.
    If you choose to share your note with others, your note will be included in the document when they next open it in
    Practical Law
  6. Add an annotation to the body of the document:
    • To add only a highlight: select some text and choose a color next to Highlight in the pop-up menu
    • To add a highlight with a note: select some text, choose a color next to Add a Note, enter your note, then select
    • You can share your annotations in the body of the document with your contacts in the same way you share the notes you add after the document title.
    • Highlights and notes remain in the document until you delete them.
    • If you email the annotated document, you can choose whether to include your annotations, highlights and notes.

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