About EFAST2

The Department of Labor (DOL) mandates e-file of 5500 returns through its EFAST2 system.
All signers must obtain EFAST2 electronic credentials (user identification numbers [user IDs] and personal identification numbers [PINs] to sign and/or submit Forms 5500 or 5500-SF. Signers can obtain the electronic credentials by registering at efast.dol.gov. Once singer credentials are obtained, credentials don't need to be renewed.

EFAST2 roles and user types

Before registering as an EFAST2 user, it's recommended that you determine the expected filing tasks, such as filing author, filing signer, and transmitter, so that all appropriate credentials may be granted upon completion of the application. User types in EFAST2 are dependent on the use of built-in functionality and signature authority in the system.
Filing Author
can complete Form 5500/5500-SF/5500-EZ and the accompanying schedules, submit the filing, and check filing status. Filing authors can't sign filings unless they also have the 'Filing Signer' role. If you're using EFAST2-approved third party software to author your filing rather than IFILE, you don't need to check this box.
Filing Signer
can be Plan Administrators, Employers/Plan Sponsors, and Direct Filing Entities who electronically sign Form 5500/5500-SF/5500-EZ. This role should also be selected by plan service providers that have written authorization to file on behalf of the plan administrator under the EFAST2 e-signature option. No other filing-related functions may be performed by selecting this user role alone.
Schedule Author
can complete one or more of the schedules that accompany Form 5500/5500-SF/5500-EZ. Schedules created by a Schedule Author aren't associated with a filing. To be used in a filing, the schedule must be exported. This exported file will then be imported by the Filing Author to the correct filing. Schedule Authors can't initiate, sign, or submit a filing. If the Filing Author's using EFAST2-approved third party software to author the filing rather than IFILE, then the Filing Author credentials don't need to be selected.


The acknowledgement ID (AckID) is a system-generated identifier that uniquely identifies a received submission that has completed EFAST2 processing. The original AckID's required when amending a filing if the original filing was submitted through EFAST2.


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