Use WestClip alerts

WestClip in Westlaw runs your Terms and Connectors searches regularly and sends you the results automatically or tells you when results are available.
  1. Run a Terms and Connectors search.
  2. On the search results screen, select Access alert options and create WestClip alert..
  3. Select
    Create WestClip Alert
  4. Enter a name for the alert.
  5. Select
    to advance through the
    Select content
    , and
    Enter search terms
    sections. The parameters of your search will already be entered. You can change them if you want to.
  6. In the
    Customize delivery
    section, choose one or more ways to receive the results of the WestClip alert. If you choose
    , you'll need to enter at least one recipient in the
  7. Select
  8. Choose the frequency and time you want to receive the alert.
  9. Select
    Save Alert
You can find and manage your WestClip alerts by selecting
on the homepage, then selecting

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