Company history
Historical highlights from across Thomson Reuters
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Rory Carruthers
Steve Hasker is appointed Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Reuters
Thomson Reuters appointed Steve Hasker as its new president and chief executive officer, succeeding Jim Smith who became chairman of the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
Thomson Reuters aims for net-zero emissions by 2050
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, Thomson Reuters announced that it will work to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner. The new targets align to worldwide efforts to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, the most ambitious aim of the Science Based Targets initiative.
Thomson Reuters goes carbon neutral
In a continuing commitment to becoming more environmentally responsible, Thomson Reuters announced its goal to be carbon neutral by the end of the year and to source renewable energy for 100% of its global energy needs by 2020.
A new strategic partnership for Financial & Risk
Reflecting the strength of our Financial & Risk business and its future potential, Thomson Reuters announced a new strategic partnership with Blackstone. As part of the transaction, Thomson Reuters sold a 55% majority stake in the F&R business to private equity funds managed by Blackstone, valuing the business at $20 billion.
Accelerating our path toward gender parity
Building on our leadership in diversity and inclusion, CEO Jim Smith announces a new commitment to reaching a minimum of 40 percent female representation in senior leadership roles, globally, by 2020.
A content marketplace for modern publishing
Driven by the needs of modern day publishing, Reuters launches Reuters Connect, a content marketplace featuring all of Reuters multimedia content, as well as a diverse array of content from other leading media organizations around the world.
Expanding our Canadian operations
Building on our heritage as one of Canada’s leading international companies, Thomson Reuters announces a new technology centre in downtown Toronto, Ontario, which will create up to 1,500 jobs.
Bringing the legal industry into the 21st century
Designed in partnership with our customers, state-of-the-art Thomson Reuters eDiscovery Point™ combines the robust power of our data, security, and service excellence with cutting-edge technology.
Sale of Intellectual Property & Science business
Strengthening our focus on operating at the intersection of global commerce and regulation, Thomson Reuters announces the sale of our Intellectual Property & Science business unit to Onex Corporation and Baring Private Equity Asia for $3.55 billion.
Innovating through partnership and collaboration
Our Thomson Reuters Labs™ expand to Canada and we continue to partner with organizations across our industries to discover and deliver creative solutions to our customers.
Reinventing TV news for the digital age
In a groundbreaking innovation for consumers, advertisers and publishers, Thomson Reuters launches Reuters TV – video news when you want it, where you want it, made to fit your day and your device.
Automating global trade management
Optimizing our broad data sets, ONESOURCE™ Global Trade software launches as the world's first truly global trade automation and management solution.
Opening the doors to trade in China
Thomson Reuters helps customers understand the opportunities and challenges of Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect – a transformational development for China’s capital markets.
Compliant, industry-wide instant messaging for financial professionals
In collaboration with many of the financial industry’s largest firms, Thomson Reuters launches the Open Messaging Network with Eikon Messenger, creating the world’s largest community of financial professionals and changing the way our customers communicate with their peers.
Expanding legal content and workflow solutions
Thomson Reuters expands its legal product portfolio with the acquisition of Practical Law Company. A new product strategy is launched, designed to support the evolving needs and workflows of legal professionals through a new class of solutions including Firm Central, and Hosted Practice Technology.
Powering decision making in Islamic finance
Thomson Reuters makes strides to better serve the needs of the Islamic finance community through the launch of Zawya Islamic and by organizing and hosting the first Global Islamic Economy Summit in collaboration with the Dubai Chamber of Commerce.

Our CEO, Jim Smith, explains: What makes Thomson Reuters, Thomson Reuters? (1:18)
Jim Smith is appointed Chief Executive Officer of Thomson Reuters
Business transparency solutions become a reality
Thomson Reuters launches Accelus – now Risk Management Solutions – a revolutionary suite of governance, risk, and compliance solutions that combines trusted regulatory, customer and pricing data, intuitive software, and expert insight and services.
Legal research is optimized for professionals on-the-go
Thomson Reuters launches the digital Thomson Reuters Westlaw – formerly WestlawNext – legal research system, incorporating decades worth of search and editorial intelligence with the latest technological innovations.
Streamlining financial platforms and data services
Thomson Reuters launches two new products serving the financial market: Eikon, a single destination for global information, technologies and market access; and Elektron, an open, interactive high-speed trading and data infrastructure.
One workflow solution for the entire tax journey
Thomson Reuters launches the ONESOURCE global tax workstation, a true "one-stop" workflow solution for multinational corporations and large accounting firms.
Thomson Reuters completes the unification of its dual listed company structure
The company’s common shares are now listed on the New York Stock Exchange and Toronto Stock Exchange (symbol: TRI).
The Thomson Corporation and Reuters Group PLC combine to form Thomson Reuters
Kenneth R. Thomson, former chairman of the Board of The Thomson Corporation, dies at the age of 82
The first automated news insight for the financial industry
Reuters launches two products that allow its news output to be “read” by machines for the purposes of automated trading for the first time.
Reuters strengthens its London core operations
Reuters transfers its London headquarters from Fleet Street to Canary Wharf. All London employees, including editorial, are brought into one building.
Reuters launches next generation trading solutions
The launch of a partnership between Reuters and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) links sell-side traders in the interbank FX market to the CME eFX market. The new Reuters Trading for Fixed Income and Reuters Trading for Foreign Exchange shake the industry.
Thomson sells its last newspaper
Thomson sells its 20% interest in Bell Globemedia Inc. for $279 million to The Woodbridge Company Limited.
The sale of Bell Globemedia, including the Corporation's interest in The Globe and Mail.
Thomson common share offering raises US$1 billion
Thomson begins trading on New York Stock Exchange under the symbol TOC
David K.R. Thomson appointed Chairman of The Thomson Corporation
The Globe and Mail becomes part of Bell Globemedia
The Thomson Corporation holds a 20% ownership position in the Canadian multimedia company.
Reuters continues to innovate in the foreign exchange space
Reuters launches Dealing 2000, acting as a broker for the first international computerized matching service for foreign exchange rates.
Thomson divests interests in UK newspapers
Thomson acquires West Publishing
The Minnesota based company is a leading U.S. provider of legal information.
Richard J. Harrington is named President and Chief Executive Officer
Reuters and Dow Jones partner to deliver business news services
The joint venture, called Factiva, combines Reuters and Dow Jones interactive business services for corporate and professional markets.
Thomson sells the The Times of London to News International, Ltd. (UK)
Reuters innovates with video terminals
Reuters Monitor Dealing Service goes live – foreign currency dealers are able to conclude trades over video terminals, a world first.
Reuters becomes a publicly-quoted company
It is listed on the London Stock Exchange and NASDAQ as Reuters Holdings PLC.
Reuters Founders Share Company Limited is formed to hold a “Founders Share” in Reuters and protect the Reuters Trust Principles. The directors are trustees of the Principles who exercise their powers to uphold them.
The Thomson Corporation is formed
Thomson Newspapers merges with International Thomson to form The Thomson Corporation.
Reuter Monitor Money Rates Service launches
The electronic marketplace for Foreign Exchange is a world-changing innovation. Major western industrialized countries abandon fixed exchange rates.
Roy Thomson passes away
He is succeeded as Chairman by his son, Kenneth Thomson, the second Lord Thomson of Fleet.
International Thomson Organisation Limited is formed
The company restructures UK activities financially and establishes headquarters in Toronto and two main operating subsidiaries in the UK and U.S.
Roy Thomson is given a hereditary barony and becomes Lord Thomson of Fleet
Reuters leads the industry in international financial data transfer
Reuters helps to lead the way in transmitting market quotations by computer. In that year, Reuters made a loss of £53,000 on a turnover of £3.5 million.
Thomson Newspaper, Ltd is formed as a public company in Canada
Times Newspaper is published for the first time
The Times of London is acquired and, with The Sunday Times, forms Times Newspapers.
Thomson newspapers expand foothold to the UK
Thomson acquires the Kemsley Group – a UK publicly listed company comprising national and regional newspapers, including The Sunday Times – and merges them with Scottish Television and The Scotsman newspaper. By this time Roy Thomson owns the largest number of newspapers of any Canadian group.
The Reuters Trust Principles are born
Reuters restructures itself so that it is owned by the British National and Provincial Press, together with (in 1947) the Press Associations of Australia and New Zealand. The Reuters Trust Principles were put in place to safeguard its independence. The principles govern how the company conducts business, committing Reuters to independence, integrity and freedom from bias in the gathering and dissemination of news and information.
Thomson newspapers begin in Canada
Roy Thomson acquires his first newspaper in Canada: The Timmins Press, Ontario.
Roy Thomson, grandfather of the present chairman, is born on July 6
West Publishing is founded
The company is founded by John B. West and his brother Horatio in 1872 in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Paul Julius Reuter founds a media empire
A German-born immigrant, Paul Julius Reuter arrives in London from Aachen where he has been running a news and stock price information service. Using a combination of technologies – including telegraph cables and a fleet of carrier pigeons that grows to exceed 200 – Reuter establishes an enviable reputation for speed, accuracy, integrity and impartiality.
In 1851 Reuter opened an office with the help of an 11 year-old office boy at 1 Royal Exchange Building in London's financial centre, located close to the main telegraph offices. Using his "telegraph expertise," he transmits stock market quotations and news between London and Paris over the new Dover-Calais submarine telegraph cable.