Knitting for newborns during stay home Minnesota

How our Minnesota Crafting for Kids volunteer group is staying home, staying connected and supporting local families.  

On our Minnesota campus, we have a group of knitters, crocheters and "blanketeers" (people who quilt or make fleece, knitted or crocheted blankets) who make up our Crafting for Kids volunteer group.

During the second weekend of Stay Home Minnesota, nine members of our Crafting for Kids group stayed home to work on baby items for Bundles of Love Charity. Bundles of Love is a local non-profit that assists Minnesota families in need with essential handmade pieces for newborns. 

We used Microsoft Teams to stay connected throughout the day, sharing our progress, answering questions about patterns, sharing ideas and inspiring one another to keep making those newborn essentials.

Our volunteer group had so much fun and everyone enjoyed knitting items to help Minnesota babies. A few of us still have works in progress from Saturday or have plenty of ideas for baby items to make - the possibilities seem endless!

By Saturday, April 4th, our group completed 13 gowns, 10 pairs of booties, 5 sweaters, 5 hats, 3 wash cloths, 2 burp rags, 1 afghan (4 more in progress!), 1 quilt top and matching fitted crib sheet to end our week! Here are some of our handmade knits: 

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Knitting for Bundles of Love was a really good change of pace to work as a group and focus the day on spreading positivity and helping others in our community during a time with so much uncertainty.

Though physically separated, we came together in a common mission to make a difference for others in our community.