April 27, 2023

Thomson Reuters publishes Social Impact and ESG Report for 2022

Annual report highlights how the company is progressing on key environmental, social and governance activities

Thomson Reuters, April 27, 2023, TORONTO – Thomson Reuters announced today that it has issued its 2022 Social Impact and ESG Report, which outlines the company’s primary environmental, social, and governance activities and progress.

“The Thomson Reuters annual Social Impact and ESG Report reflects our commitment to upholding high standards of governance and how our people, products, and partnerships contribute to a better world for all,” said Steve Hasker, President and CEO of Thomson Reuters.

The report notes that Thomson Reuters completed a comprehensive ESG materiality assessment of its global operations, focused on identifying and prioritizing ESG topics and issues most significant to the business and stakeholders.

As part of this effort, Thomson Reuters completed a company-wide Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) of its global operations, products, and services. In doing so, Thomson Reuters sought to be proactive in managing any actual or potential impacts on human rights. In 2022, Thomson Reuters published its first Human Rights Policy which seeks to inform colleagues, customers, shareholders, and those in the communities Thomson Reuters operates of the company’s commitment and approach to human rights.

The report also notes that Thomson Reuters completed a Taskforce for Climate-Related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) report. The report recommended disclosures which are intended to highlight the company’s climate governance practices, strategy, and risk management, as well as to evaluate the latest climate scenarios to identify exposure to climate-related risks and opportunities.

The full report is available here.

About Thomson Reuters

Thomson Reuters (NYSE / TSX: TRI) (“TR”) informs the way forward by bringing together the trusted content and technology that people and organizations need to make the right decisions. The company serves professionals across legal, tax, accounting, compliance, government, and media. Its products combine highly specialized software and insights to empower professionals with the data, intelligence, and solutions needed to make informed decisions, and to help institutions in their pursuit of justice, truth and transparency. Reuters, part of Thomson Reuters, is the world’s leading provider of trusted journalism and news. For more information, visit tr.com.


Kent Carter
+1 647 210 4300