Thomson Reuters on climate change
Climate change is an issue of international importance and is prevalent in the news, including the United States withdrawal from the Paris Climate Treaty.
As part of our corporate responsibility strategy, Thomson Reuters has an ongoing commitment to address the challenges posed by climate change; as have many clients across our marketplace. Planning for a lower carbon economy over time is not a trade-off between growth and going “green.” There is compelling evidence that sustainability through decarbonization is actually a growth driver, both at the top and bottom line.
We, at Thomson Reuters, have taken this to heart. “As a global organization, we have a shared responsibility to do business in ways that respect, protect, and benefit our customers, employees, communities, and environment.” says our CFO, Stephane Bello. “Not only is it the right thing to do from an environmental perspective, but it’s what employees and customers are asking us to do”
Over the past eight years, Thomson Reuters has consistently reduced its carbon footprint by streamlining its processes, systems, and locations. In addition to this, the company expects to:
- Offset 100% of Thomson Reuters’ greenhouse gas emissions by 2019 and support carbon mitigation projects around the world;
- Source renewable energy for 100% of its global energy needs by 2020; and,
- Set science-based carbon reduction targets which will be audited externally to ensure international standards are being met.
Our carbon offset strategy is geographically informed by our global footprint. As a result, our carbon offsets create positive impacts in major markets where we operate worldwide, including Brazil, Canada, India, and the U.S.
Additionally, in support of our commitment to sourcing 100% renewable energy by the end of 2020, Thomson Reuters will explore strategies that encourage immediate action, such as working with local utilities and competitive electricity market providers, among other renewable options.
Moving forward, we expect a continuing downward trend in the company’s carbon footprint and will be seeking new and innovative approaches to positive social impact. We will also continue our work to provide legal, tax and accounting, and journalistic insight to policymakers, investors, lawyers, accountants and many other professionals in our marketplace who must manage this risk while at the same time catalyzing new growth. It’s our duty and privilege to do so.
Enabling sustainability with our products and services
Our vast range of products and services empower our customers to act with confidence in a complex world. It is through these products and services that we offer intelligent information for businesses and professionals across the globe to address sustainability challenges.
Practical Law
Trusted, up-to-date legal know-how across all major practice areas to help attorneys deliver accurate answers quickly and confidently, including support on Corporate Sustainability and Disclosure, ESG Disclosures and Reporting Frameworks, and Environmental Law.
Thomson Reuters Westlaw
The world's most preferred online legal research service, providing the most comprehensive collection of legal information, backed by a rigorous editorial process. Westlaw Journal Environmental covers the most recent developments in litigation arising under federal and state environmental statutes, and addresses the latest hot topics in the environmental field.
Reuters Energy and Environment
Comprehensive coverage of the energy industry and environment, including global oil and gas markets, policy changes impacting climate and the latest developments in solar and wind power.