Careers tips
Ace your intern interview at Thomson Reuters
Here are some quick tips from Naneth Allen, our Global Campus Recruiting Programs Manager, to help you ace your interview with Thomson Reuters!
Where do I start?
One way to start preparing for the interview is by doing research to understand the organization’s culture. Check out our social media pages and employee reviews. Read our “About Us”, learn more about what it is like to work at Thomson Reuters, check out our recent awards and commitment to candidates. You should also see what other employees and interns are saying about Thomson Reuters by reviewing our Glassdoor and Handshake profiles.
Next, make sure to do your research on the position and job description of the role you are interested in pursuing. Take some time to review how your skills and experience match the role. Have you highlighted your strengths and experience based on the positions?
Lastly, dig in and learn about our company’s history, products and services, Social Impact, Thomson Reuters Foundation and our Trust Principles. This information provides a lot of intel about our organization and can show whether our work and vision aligns with your values and wants within a company culture.
How do you prepare yourself?
Practice makes perfect!
Research the position you are interviewing for and prepare answers on what solutions you bring to the table or showcase your talents in that area. During your video interview, you should be dressing for success, prepping your surroundings, and checking your tech before interviewing.
How do you stand out from a crowd during the interview?
Building STAR examples is a winning formula for nearly any interview question. Your resume should also reflect a similar format!
Accomplished X + as measured by Y + by doing Z = winning bullet
S = Situation
Describe the situation or event you were in.
T = Task
What tasks were you asked to accomplish?
A = Action
Describe actions you took or what you did.
R = Results
What did you accomplish?
What happened?
We wish you the best of luck with next steps in our hiring process, and we hope these tips help with building confidence in your next interview! Are you looking for your next internship opportunity? Check out our open roles here.
Naneth Allen, Global Campus Recruiting Programs Manager