Print the W-2 or 1099 Ordering Worksheet

Use the W-2 or 1099 Ordering Worksheet to calculate the minimum number of sheets needed when it's time to order these forms for your clients. You can then preview and print your W-2 or 1099 Ordering Worksheet.
The Worksheet does not take into account factors such as the W-2 separator option, additional copies needed for Copy 1, additional copies to account for printing errors, or additional copies needed per your business practices.
  1. Choose
    , then
    Process Payroll Tax Forms
  2. Select either
    from the
    Form type
    dropdown list.
  3. Select the
  4. Select
  5. In the Form Selection grid, mark the checkboxes next to clients you want to include in the Ordering Worksheet.
  6. Select
    Print Options
  7. In the Worksheet Options section, choose the detail you want to include.
    • Clear the
      Client Information
      checkbox if you want the Ordering Worksheet to show only the summary totals for all selected clients, with no individual client information.
    • Mark the
      Client information
      to reveal further choices:
      • List clients selected
        : the Ordering Worksheet shows the summary totals for all selected clients and also lists the clients that are included in the worksheet.
      • Include client detail
        : the Ordering Worksheet breaks down the summary totals by individual client.
  8. Select
  9. Select
    View Ordering List
    to preview the Ordering Worksheet.
  10. Select
    Print All Reports
    , choose your printing options, then select
    to print.


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