November 3, 2023 release notes

  • Check the Alerts and notices article if you're searching for a specific update not available in this article.
  • Check the status of your online applications and services (such as CS Connect and Virtual Office CS) via the Online Product Status Page.
  • Clear cached files after a release. Close and reopen the application, then sign in again.

AdvanceFlow Office Client Add-in update to version 23.6

An updated version of the AdvanceFlow Office Client Add-in is available. Make sure to download and install the latest version from the
, then
page in AdvanceFlow. This new add-in uses more modern Edge browser for the sign-in window to replace Internet Explorer based technology. The new add-in resolves issue that would have prevented signing in using the Federated SSO capability of the new Thomson Reuters accounts (upon its upcoming release.)
We recommend that you install the latest version of the AdvanceFlow Office Client Add-in with this release. GoFileRoom and AdvanceFlow support the current, and one prior version of the Office Client Add-In. If your firm experiences any issues, please verify your users have the latest version of the AdvanceFlow Office Client Add-In installed.

Thomson Reuters Account sign in experience coming soon on November 17

A simplified sign-in experience is now available through the Thomson Reuters Account. It gives all users, including staff and clients, single sign-on access to Thomson Reuters products using 1 email and password. Two-factor authentication is now required for all users, both staff and clients, to check your identity and help make sure your account is not compromised. It adds another layer of protection, so your account safety relies on more than a simple password.
For more information including steps that should be taken before the migration, information about changing password policies, and other frequently asked questions, go to the following article.

Improved layout

We've improved the layout of the application to use space more efficiently, have a more modern look and feel, and be more intuitive. This includes an engagement dashboard, notifications, title bar, left navigation, and improved breadcrumb. To take advantage of these changes, select the
Show new layout
toggle in the title bar of the application. It can be turned off using another toggle in the user profile menu from the new layout.
For a quick tour of these new features, review the following video.

Engagement dashboard

A new engagement dashboard replaces the former tree of engagements and clients. This dashboard includes due date tracking and a display of the open notes assigned to you on each engagement. Customizing the order of the engagements and filtering for clients or engagements will help you more effectively find the engagements that you need to find. You can more easily close multiple engagements at a time including closing all engagements for 1 client at the same time.


A new
panel accessed from the bell icon replaces the
My alerts
widget on the home dashboard. This lets you check your notifications without losing your place in your work. Look forward to the ability to filter notes and manage the status of multiple notes at a time in an upcoming release.

Title bar

We’ve added a new title bar across the top of the product that has more menu options included. The setup and links menus are moved to the upper right corner of the application to save space and be more intuitive.

Left navigation bar for engagement workspace area

The tabs for workpapers, trial balance, journal entries, et cetera within an engagement has moved to the left side of the screen. This new toolbar is collapsible to use less space. Properties and administration actions are easier to find in this left navigation with visible buttons.

Improved breadcrumb menu

An improved breadcrumb menu lets you easily switch between engagements for the current client. The breadcrumb menu will also show you the parent and member engagements of a consolidation for quick access.

Performance and security improvements

We have dedicated resources to improving the performance of trial balance services within the application to make the application more responsive. The trial balance services are separated from other services of the application to ensure minimal disruptions.
We continue to work to ensure the security of the application.

Issues resolved

  • Journal entries and finalize will remain functional if there is a service or connection issue to our feature toggle application.
  • The email template for new requests in the client communication module uses the firm name from the
    , then
    Firm Settings
  • The menus in the cells in the
    screen now open properly to assign codes and subcodes.


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