January 4th release notes

Issues resolved

  • When editing risks in a checklist planning form, the audit area selection step of the modal took an unusual amount of time to load.
  • The Identify Risk, Assess Risk and Design Audit Program navigation menus were missing in CX-10.1.2 (“Assess Control Risk”) and CX-4.2.9 (“Summary of Design Effectiveness Evaluations”) for Internal Control enabled engagements.
  • In CX-8 (“Planning Substantive Procedures”), the warning message notifying users that their sum of the strata did not equal the remaining balance was comparing the strata sum to the total project misstatement, not the remaining balance.
  • Placing the cursor in the step 2 text box of CX-3.1 ('Understanding the Entity and Identifying Risks') and CX-4.3.2 ('Walkthrough Documentation Table') activated the save button, although no changes to workpaper were made.
  • After importing backed up Compilation and Review engagements with the Disclosure module enabled, users were unable open the disclosure checklist in the newly created binder.
  • Newly added risks to engagements did not appear in the “Link Risks to Procedure” modal when the relevant audit program was open during this process. Risks did show if users refreshed the modal.