November 2023 release notes

Release date is November 22, 2023

New features

Workflow browser
We've improved your experience by updating the User Interface (UI) in the workflow browser. Now, you can easily move around with better spacing, formatting, and aligned tabs.

Upcoming changes

Client manager security
Administrators who set Client Security for Workflow Manager-related products will now need to set client access from User Administration. To familiarize yourself with the Client Assignment features in User Administration, visit the Administration Help. We’ll publish more details at a future date.
Notification Rules and Client Manager will no longer support Edge with Internet Explorer Mode
In a future release, we’ll upgrade the User Interface (UI) components to the latest version for Notification Rules and Client Manager. The upgrade will improve performance and implement security updates. Notification Rules and Client Manager will only be available on modern browsers such as Edge and Chrome.
Entity Manager
Transaction and charting modules -
Entity Manager will retire both the Transaction module and the Charting module in 2024. This change will simplify the Entity Manager capabilities to ease the longer-term transition from Entity Manager to platform Entities (expected in 2025).

Closed Issues

FileRoom search documents
You can now customize the number of documents displayed during your search. Your selection now remains, eliminating the problem of reverting to the default view after using the dropdown.
Authentication updates
You'll now experience an improved authentication process for better security and experience in ONESOURCE Workflow Manager.