Anyone who may have watched as Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg explained the internet to Congress in a way that felt a bit baffling and unnecessary, today’s podcast should prove to be the opposite of that experience.
In today’s installment of The Hearing, a Legal Podcast, an award-nominated podcast conducted by Thomson Reuters U.K., we feature a conversation between legal and mathematical macroeconomics genius Doug Pepe and Joseph Raczynski, technologist and futurist for Thomson Reuters.
Together, the pair take us through blockchain, tokens, and cryptocurrency in a way that’s genuinely enlightening.
You can listen to the full podcast with Doug Pepe here.

Pepe, a partner in the New York office of law firm Joseph Hage Aaronson, started his blockchain journey by building gaming computers with his young children, and then teaching them how to mine Bitcoin. Fast forward, and Pepe is now an expert on blockchain privacy, smart contracts, and digital identity.
As the podcast makes clear, the legal industry is sometimes accused of not keeping up — especially with new cutting-edge technology. Those in the legal industry know that’s not true, however, and lawyers are occupying this space now. Their clients are very active, and they have a crucial role to play in the serious policy issues being debated.
You can hear more podcasts on the Thomson Reuters Institute Market Insights channel.