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New Podcast: Resolving workplace burnout is necessary for winning in the war for talent

Natalie Runyon  Director / ESG content / Thomson Reuters Institute

· 1 minute read

Natalie Runyon  Director / ESG content / Thomson Reuters Institute

· 1 minute read

In the latest podcast on our Thomson Reuters Institute Market Insights channel, we how professional service firms need to solve the issue of employee burnout

Employee burnout has become a critical issue for corporations and professional service firms, especially during the pandemic’s lockdowns and office closures. And how organizations, leaders, and managers strive to alleviate work stress and burnout for their employees will likely become a strong indicator of future organizational success.

In our latest podcast, available on the Thomson Reuters Institute Market Insights channel, we discuss these issues further with Paula Davis, CEO of The Stress and Resilience Institute. Davis explains the difference between stress and burnout, describing the characteristics of the latter as chronic emotional and physical exhaustion, chronic cynicism, and the emergence of the “why bother, who cares?” mindset.

Paula Davis

The podcast also delves into how psychological safety, which is defined as trust and cohesion at the group or the team level and the belief that you can show up to work and within your team as yourself, is a foundational element for solving burnout. Finally, we close the conversation with an understanding of why resolving burnout is essential to winning in the hyper-competitive war for talent.

Episode transcript. 



You can hear all about workplace burnout and how leaders need to address it in our latest podcast here.