Oct 17, 2023 | Inside Thomson Reuters
Finding Balance and Magic in Work and Rest – My Sabbatical Journey Toward Mental Wellness

Bethany Kinsella, Vice President, Digital Marketing
Is the sparkle in my eye from the joy of eating a cheese curd or the fact I had the opportunity to reset this summer? Probably a little bit of both.
My first job was at the age of 14. And then, in the blink of an eye, I was a middle-aged, working mother with all the responsibilities of a demanding job and life. My career has been a whirlwind of diverse experiences working with tremendously talented people. Working – for me, is utterly intoxicating. The critical sense of purpose that comes from work and doing good alongside others propelled me forward for so long. Until it didn’t. I realized I needed a break.
I discovered Thomson Reuters offers a sabbatical program for employees as part of our Flex My way benefits program. The sabbatical program launched last year provides colleagues the opportunity to take up to six months of unpaid leave every five years. You can learn more about the program here. After learning more about it, I knew it was the reset I needed.
Over the summer, I reset with a goal of shifting my productivity-centric mindset to one that’s more centered on ‘being’. I had a desire to find a balance between doing and being, where I prioritized my well-being, mental health, and overall quality of life over insatiable productivity. I went on long walks with my dog, baked desserts, spent time with friends and family, traveled, and learned new skills like machine knitting and sewing.
October is Mental Health Awareness Month at Thomson Reuters. For me, being human means being present in the moment, without the constant focus on external achievement. This reset has left me more conscious and balanced in my approach to life. Upon returning to work, my spark had been reignited, my creativity unleashed and my energy revitalized.
I got that magic back.